NTI Migraine Prevention
NTI- Tension Suppression System is the most effective FDA-approved method of migraine prevention.
The NTI-tss is a small custom fit device worn when you sleep. The device is fitted to your upper front teeth and provides a flat surface for your lower front teeth to rest on, which helps relax your jaw muscles. The NTI is also effective in treating nightly tooth grinding, Temporomandibular joint Disorder (TMJ Disorder or TMD), and chronic headaches. If you are a headache or migraine sufferer or a nightly tooth grinder, please come and see us for a consultation so we can improve your quality of life.
NTI Device
Once you decide you have had it with those uncomfortable headaches, getting started with treatment is easy.
Step 1: Visit Dr. Ramezani, a Certified NTI-tss Provider
Complete our contact form (on the left hand side of the screen) to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Ramezani. During this initial visit, Dr. Ramezani will evaluate, assess, and discuss your treatment options with you.
Step 2: Get a custom NT-tss device
Dr. Ramezani will take impressions of your teeth. Then she will make a custom made NTI-TSS device for your teeth.
Step 3: You wear your NTI-tss device.
You will wear your NTI device as directed by Dr. Ramezani.
Step 4: Say goodbye to chronic headaches and migraines.
NTI Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What does "NTI" stand for?
A: Nociception (relating to the perception of pain); Trigeminal (the nerve that controls the major muscles of the jaw); Inhibition (block). All together it means it blocks the pain signals from the nerves in the jaw.
Q: How does it work?
A: How the device works is rather technical. The basic function of the NTI device is to decrease jaw clenching and teeth grinding. This is accomplished by wearing the custom fitted NTI on your front teeth which prevents your upper molars and canines from contacting your lower molars and canines. This minimizes the high-intensity contractions of the jaw muscles, thus reducing the source of pain that leads to headaches and migraines.
For more comprehensive, detailed scientific explanation of the NTI visit http://www.headacheprevention.com/.
Q: Is there a difference between the NTI device and the traditional dental night guard device or TMJ splint?
A: Yes. Traditional flat-plane splints and night guard devices provide a surface for you to “bite down on.” New studies show that these devices can actually increase the intensity of your clenching reflex. With the NTI device, we can begin to solve the real problem: actually preventing your back teeth from clenching intensely and coming into contact with each other. The temporalis muscles are kept from contracting with their usual intensity; thus, the clenching reflex is suppressed and almost eliminated…as is the pain.
Q: When can I expect relief?
A: Subsiding symptoms are directly related to the degree and longevity of each individual’s condition. However, it is not unusual for some patients to report significant relief overnight; others usually within two to four weeks.
Q: What else can I expect?
A: The NTI device may eliminate the need for prescription and over-the-counter pain medications that you take for morning headaches, sore neck, sore jaw, and related pain associated with involuntary clenching of the teeth. Because the NTI device helps reduce the intensity of your clenching, it helps maximize your comfort and should minimize your need for medications. You may find that you’re more productive throughout the day because you’re pain free and more comfortable with less tension and stress.
Q: How long should a patient expect the NTI device to last?
A: The duration of the NTI device is dependent on the intensity of the patient’s grinding, not clenching. If a patient is an intense grinder, over time they may develop a divot in the Discluding Element of the NTI. This situation would simply require periodic filling and smoothing of the divot.
Q: Does insurance cover the cost?
A: Sometimes dental or medical insurance plans will help pay for the service. The same dental insurance codes for mouthpieces, splints, and TMD devices all apply to the NTI.